Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Erasing towards a new world...

[Using a conceptual language often imbued of a subtle but persisting ironic touch, Pieroth operates slight alterations to objects, stories, images suggesting new layers of meanings. In her series of “Atlas”, Indonesien ( 2002), Griechenland (2002) and Weltkarte ( 2003), Kirsten Pieroth uses simple and manual tools to re-order and re-design some already existing maps. The artist cut out the shapes and then reorders all the nations of the World or the islands of Indonesia in alphabetical order or put the Greek islands in size order. Using these simple, even childish tools, Pieroth invites the viewer to reflect on the rules commonly used to approach and analyze reality, and to suggest new ways of classification. Thanks to these alterations, the shapes of the countries and nations become formal elements of an abstract composition that outlines new possible meanings.]


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